Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Social Issue Poster- Irresponsible Dog Breeding

Irresponsible dog breeders include what people call backyard breeding and puppy mills.  Puppy mills are commercial breeding facilities that mass-produce dogs (and cats in cat mills) for sale through pet stores (~90%) and directly to consumers through classified ads and the internet. These mills contain over hundreds of dogs that are kept in confined, overcrowded cages with little shelter from weather and are not cleaned regularly, forcing the animals to sit and sleep in their own excrement.  Because these animals are treated like cash crops, the sick or dying animals receive little or no veterinary care.  Adult animals are continuously bred until they can no longer produce a litter, they are then discarded and destroyed.  Both kittens and puppies will be taken away from the mother at too early of an age, resulting in serious behavior problems.
“Backyard breeder” refers to dog breeders that have little to no knowledge or experience when it comes to responsibly breeding their dog.  Like the puppy mills, they are looking to make a quick profit, and therefore, will often breed their own ‘family dog,’ but they will do so without taking any proper precautions, such as a genetic health test.  Mating two dogs with an unknown genetic and behavioral history can result in serious health and behavioral issues for the puppies produced, leaving them unwanted and unhealthy.  While backyard breeders aren’t considered to be as terrible and unethical as puppy and cat mills, these are still the signs of an irresponsible breeder. Neither of these types of breeders have the best interest of the animals in mind when breeding two animals together and should be avoided at all costs when looking for a new family member.

Illustrator Pen Tool Vector Drawing

Vector drawing of a ducky image created in Adobe Illustrator with the single use of the pen tool.

Typographic Layout

Two typographic layouts containing the word TYPOGRAPHY. One in full hue of color, the other in monochrome. Created in Adobe Illustrator, fonts used are Orbitron and Quantify.

Ski and Snowboard Graphic Logos

Welcome to the Four Seasons (Icons)

Seasonal Icons- Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter
Each created with a unique color scheme.

Endangered Species Project- Logo and Advertisement

Friday, August 9, 2019

Happy Anniversary Disney's Haunted Mansion

Tried to create some scenes of the iconic Madame Leota from Disney's Haunted Mansion for it's 50th anniversary this year on August 9, 2019.  Created in Adobe Illustrator.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Now Add Some Color


There are videos of artists on the internet that includes a drawing of an image in black and white before adding a rainbow of colors over the image on a new layer and changing the settings of the layer.  Though I am an artist myself, I am still new to the different settings of what one can do when it comes to using multiple layers over each other in drawing apps on my phone.  I use the free version of drawing apps, which means that they don't always come with these extra settings of being able to change the settings of each layer, let alone having more than one or two layers.  After seeing a specific video that really showed how these artists were creating these drawings, I finally learned that the free drawing app that I use does in fact allow for more than two layers as well as changing the settings of these layers. I was so excited that was able to create my own black and white drawing before adding a rainbow layer over it, resulting in a rainbow colored drawing that took less than a few minutes to create.

I use the free version of the drawing app Tayasui Sketches to draw on my Iphone and Ipad.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Lifestyle Brochure

This is my first brochure that I have created for someone. I created this brochure for a realtor to pass out at a wine pouring event that she attended in San Francisco.  The brochure centers around Lake Tahoe in the Truckee area of California and the lifestyle that comes with living there. I included mainly images of the area, the activities that are available, and a small amount of text. Her contact info can be seen right when you first open the brochure before it becomes completely unfolded and includes a QR code for each of her agencies that she works for.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

From Sketch to Digital Image


From Sketch to Digital Image

The picture on the left is an old drawing that I have always liked but have also always wanted to do something more with but could never really think of what to do or if there was anything else that I could add to it. I finally decided to see what I could do to it in Adobe Illustrator.  The photo on the right is the result, and I have to say that I am quite pleased with it.