Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Different Kind of Cat

         Ever since the more recent version of Alice in Wonderland came out, I have been wanting to draw Tim Burton's Cheshire cat.  This picture took me about four days total to finish.  I started this piece a few days before I went on vacation with my family and as soon as I got back, I was able to finish the rest within a day.  My favorite thing about the Alice in Wonderland movies is the phrase "We're all mad here" and am really glad that I was able to make it a part of this piece.  This piece was done with only the use of colored pencils and was free handed with the use of another picture found online for reference in the placement of facial features and color patterns.

Hawaiian Sunset

         These sunset photos were taken with my IPhone during one of my family vacations to Hawaii.  Sunsets of any kind any where are beautiful, but there is something about watching the sun disappear below a horizon of water as the light reflects off of the water and cast shadows onto anything in front of it, such as any boats or clouds.  These types of sunsets are my favorite to capture any time I visit the beach.