Thursday, April 20, 2017

An Earful

This ear shaped pillow is meant to show how we take in everything around us, including the current news and other advertisements on the television, radio, etc.  Due to the media constantly telling us stuff such as recent current events, the weather, sports game scores, etc, there are some things that we will listen to and respond to while there are other things that we may be more likely to ignore because we have no need to in a specific moment of our lives.  These things that we choose to not listen to as closely as others simply sounds like background noise, or so much is being said that all you can hear is "Blah Blah Blah" as the media tries to tell you what to think of different things and how they are viewed by society.  Printed onto this pillow are two specific news anchors, Keith Olberman and Bill O’rielly, but the possibilities are endless for who could be printed on it with the speech bubble that says “Blah Blah Blah”  to show how much speech is thrown our way whether we want it or not.